MyLocalCareer.com (MLC) is an employment portal created to help connect job seekers of all ages with businesses and organizations within Union and Logan Counties that have open employment positions.
This FREE tool allows Union and Logan County employers to:
Easily connect with local job seekers and standout among the busy talentscape
Companies can create a profile and start posting job opportunities immediately
Positions and/or companies will be featured on the MLC Facebook page
Click here to visit MyLocalCareer
OhioMeansJobs – Union County
OhioMeansJobs – Union County (OMJ) provides various services for businesses, including employee searches, job placement, applicant screening, and applicant interviewing. There are no fees for any of the OMJ services.
OhioMeansJobs – Union County
940 London Avenue, Suite 1500
Marysville, Ohio 43040
866.645.2018 (toll free)
Employment & Staffing Services
There are a number of employment and staffing services serving Union County and surrounding areas. For a list of these services, please click here.
Ohio Department of Veterans Services
The Ohio Department of Veterans Services provides customized training for employers interested in learning more about veteran employment. Please visit the ODVS website to learn more.
Establishing Veteran & Military Employment Programs
The US Chamber of Commerce provides a variety of webinars and best practice approaches to establishing employment programs for Veterans and Military members. Please click here for more information.
Career-Technical Institutions
There are a number of training resources available for companies and incumbent workers available at our three career-technical institutions: Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, Tolles Career & Technical Center, and Tri-Rivers Career Center. Each provide a range of services specifically tailored to the needs of local industry.
Internship Programs
There are many resources available for companies wishing to utilize interns. In fact, many of Union County's school districts will work directly with companies to create a customized internship program. For more information, click here.
MTC Mobile Training Lab Program
The MTC Mobile Training Lab (MTL) is a 40-foot mobile classroom that provides training for workers right on the job site. The lab is equipped with a production-quality CNC mill for creating quality, complex, precision parts and prototypes; a small robot from RobotWorx; 10 student computer stations, an instructor station, and more. Managed by Marion Technical College, the lab is available to employers in Union County to help incumbent workers learn the skills they need to advance their careers. For more information about the Mobile Training Lab, please contact Mike Augenstein, Marion Technical College, at 740.386.4138 or email augensteinm@mtc.edu.
In addition to the MTC Mobile Training Lab Program, permanent labs and mobile labs for student training are available at Tolles, Ohio Hi-Point, and Tri-Rivers Career Centers, as well as the Marysville Early College High School.
Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Program
The Ohio Incumbent Workforce Training Voucher Program fills a gap in current workforce development programs by providing needed training dollars to Ohio's incumbent workforce through a unique public-private partnership. This employer-driven program is targeted to provide direct financial assistance to train workers and improve the economic competitiveness of Ohio's employers. For more information about this program, please click here.
Union County Wage and Benefit Survey
The Union County Wage & Benefit Survey is produced every two years. Local employers and prospective employers can use the survey to set fair, competitive salary and benefit packages and estimate costs for adding new staff. For more information about the survey, or if you have a specific workforce-related question, please contact the Union County Community Improvement Corporation by calling 937.642.6279.
Ohio Office of Workforce Development
The Ohio Office of Workforce Development provides information and tools to Ohio's workforce system. The office administers federal programs that create a comprehensive statewide workforce system of employment services; hiring support and tax credits; and labor market information to employers and workers.
Office of Workforce Development
P.O. Box 1618
Columbus, Ohio 43216
888.296.7541, Option # 3
One Columbus
One Columbus serves as the economic development organization for the 11-county Columbus Region. Their mission is to generate opportunity and build capacity for economic growth throughout Central Ohio. The One Columbus team conducts business outreach to existing economic base companies, markets the Region to growing companies worldwide, conducts customized research to better understand the Region’s competitiveness and makes strategic economic development investments by leveraging public, private and institutional partnerships.
One Columbus
150 South Front Street
Suite 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
The Columbus Chamber of Commerce leads and supports economic growth and development for the Greater Columbus community in the global marketplace. The Chamber boasts a membership of 4,000 businesses and provides services such as business development seminars, professional forums and business assistance and counseling, as well as a variety of networking events. It houses programs such as the International Center at the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, the South Central Ohio Minority Business Council and the Columbus Venture Network as well as other affiliate organizations.
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
150 S. Front St., Suite 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215